What? How can we make it easier for all parties to follow up on the requirements we set in our food agreements?

Why? The food chain is complex and there are many actors who in different ways take care of the food that ends up on the tables in the municipal canteens. This makes it a time-consuming challenge to keep track of our raw materials' path to us. In the city of Helsingborg, we are also keen to keep sustainability issues high in the procurement process and we want to be able to follow up the requirements in the agreements in a smart way.

How? A blockchain solution makes the information at each stage transparent and accessible to all parties in the chain, and data that has once been registered cannot be changed without the change also being booked and made visible. Can blockchain technology be a way to solve our challenge with contract follow-up and traceability? This is something we want to test together with our food suppliers.

Objectives: Increased traceability and transparency in the follow-up of food purchases. Increased visualization of our purchased food's paths from soil to school dining tables.

Based on the challenge: ”How do we reduce our climate footprint and have a more circular society?

Source: https://innovation.helsingborg.se/initiativ/blockkedja-for-sparbarhet-och-avtalsuppfoljning/

JJ comments: A much about talked concept, not only in Helsingborg. But the the proof is in the pudding. Without even going further, can this be done at all? And if so, what would it look like?

The AIBC team: Julia Lykke (client lead) Carl John Lucas

The HBG team: Linda Bjarle Cecila Larsson

Team update 24MAY

Status: We have changed course and have left blockchain behind and are now focusing on the food waste project. We are currently working on a data collection plan for Helsingborg Stad in order to implement an AI prediction model or other tech solution to minimise waste such as AI prediction model, data visualisation tool and etc. We are exploring questions such as how does the students' lunch schedule impacts food waste. We are trying to find out which parameters have the biggest impact on food waste.

Needs: We would like to get more insight and help with prediction models. We have questions such as how much data is required in order to start running a prediction model? (We are already in contact with Nicklas who is working on this project for Helsingborg, but would of course like to get help and insight from other experts as well)